Solar Phenomena: Can They Affect Your Solar Energy Panels?

Environmental Blog

The sun is responsible for all kinds of strange phenomena. If you have solar energy panels, you may be wondering if any of the sun's unusual behaviors could affect your solar power. The following solar phenomena, and the burning questions you have about them affecting your solar panels, are answered. Solar Flares Solar flares do have some effect on the environment of Earth. However, they cannot affect your solar panels. Solar panels collect radiant energy, which is the light energy that passes in and out of the Earth's atmosphere, This is why you are still able to have electricity on cloudy days.

7 February 2017

3 Reasons To Consider A Solar Pool Heater

Environmental Blog

One of the best accessories that you can add to your swimming pool is a solar pool heater, mostly because of the many benefits that it can provide. Listed below are three reasons to consider a solar pool heater. Allows You To Swim More Often The biggest benefit to utilizing a solar pool heater is the fact that it will allow you to swim much more often throughout the year than if you simply had an unheated pool.

26 January 2017

Three Reasons Why You Would Need to Hire an Engineering Geologist for Your Construction Project

Environmental Blog

Engineering geologists are actually structural engineers, geologists, environmentalists, and ecologists all rolled into one. Their jobs involve close work with environmental groups and other scientists to make sure various plots of land will not be negatively affected if new construction is erected there. Before you begin construction on a new plant or office building, you may want to consult an engineering geologist first, especially if you have concerns with foundation stability of your intended construction.

25 January 2017