Three Reasons Why You Would Need to Hire an Engineering Geologist for Your Construction Project

Environmental Blog

Engineering geologists are actually structural engineers, geologists, environmentalists, and ecologists all rolled into one. Their jobs involve close work with environmental groups and other scientists to make sure various plots of land will not be negatively affected if new construction is erected there. Before you begin construction on a new plant or office building, you may want to consult an engineering geologist first, especially if you have concerns with foundation stability of your intended construction. Here are some more reasons why you would need to hire an engineering geologist.

Your Construction Is Near a Fault Line

If you are building in California or near a major fault line, you want to be sure that earthquakes are not going to bring new construction to the ground. The engineering geologist will examine the soil and check earthquake records to see what earthquakes have occurred in that area and whether or not you will need special construction supports to keep your new building stable.

Your Construction Is in a Valley Between Mountain Ranges

Most mountain ranges are peaceful, but heavy snowfall over these mountains can change that. Regular avalanches that reach the valley where you want to build could utterly destroy your plans or your building. The engineering geologist examines the avalanche frequency and severity in that region to determine your risks and calculate your worst-case scenario losses. From there, he or she makes a recommendation based on the findings and leaves it up to you to decide if you should choose this site.

Your Construction Is on Soft, Loamy Soil or Over Sandstone 

Soft, loamy soil is great for landscaping but terrible for new construction, especially construction that involves tall and heavy buildings. Additionally, sandstone and other soft, crumbly stones are not good ground surfaces for building. You could dig up to three or more feet down before discovering these types of soil, which then puts you in a financial bind because you would either have to spend a lot of money to reinforce the ground for your building structure, or sell the land and move your construction to a different plot.

An engineering geologist should be hired prior to the purchase of any land wherein you might expect a problem. He or she takes core samples of the ground and rock within the ground to determine how soft or hard the land is. If there is too much soft soil and/or soft rock, and you have not made an offer on the land yet, congratulations! Your engineering geologist just helped you dodge a financial bullet.

For more information on the value an engineering geologist can bring to your project, talk to a company like Geo Plus Partners.


25 January 2017

Talking About Solar Energy Systems

Hi there, I am Finley. I am here to talk to you about installing and maintaining solar energy systems. When I started my first business, I decided to power my storefront with solar energy. The solar panels provided an interesting talking point, as many people had not seen them in use at that time. Over the years, I’m happy to say that solar energy systems have become more accessible, which helped increase their popularity with the general public. My site will help you understand the process of installing and maintaining your solar panels, batteries, and other system components. I hope you can take advantage of this energy option.