3 Choices Of Ground Cover Plants To Establish Roots And Prevent Erosion Problems

Environmental Blog

If you have a problem with erosion on your property, there may be many things that you want to do to control the problem and prevent further damage. Some of the solutions can involve drainage and structures like retaining walls. There is also the natural approach of using plants to control erosion. While some plants can be good for this and establish roots, there are others that you want to avoid, like trees with shallow roots. Here are some of the plants that you may want to choose for ground cover to prevent erosion problems.

1. Small Shrubs With Wide-Spreading Root Systems

Small shrubs with wide-spreading roots can be a great solution for erosion control. These plants have strong, wide roots, which can hold soil in place on steep grades. You want to avoid plants that do not have wide roots or that grow more like trees. These shrubs are usually small spreading plants that do not grow to significant height. Some attractive plants that you can use for this include mountain laurel, azaleas, and wild cranberry. There are also some North American grape varieties like muscadines that can grow wild when planted on a hillside.

2. Trees With Wide Roots That Help Stabilize Soils

Trees can also be a good choice of plants for erosion control, but it is important to choose the right type of trees. Many coniferous trees have shallow roots and can easily be blown down by wind, which makes them a bad choice. Instead, choose deciduous trees like oaks or other hardwoods that have wider root systems. These trees can provide stability for soil, as well as a habitat for other shade tolerant ground covers. This is a good solution for extensive tracks of land that can have native forests planted.

3. Ground Covers That Colonize And Spread Quickly

There are also many different ground covers that can help stabilize soils. Native vines can be a great way to establish growth and stabilize soil. Some examples include native grape varieties, wild flowers, and switchgrass. It is a good idea to use native plants, because they will establish quickly and help hold soil in place. Try to use grasses and native ground covers that are present in the wild in the area where you live.

These are some of the plants that you may want to choose for ground cover that helps to control erosion problems. If you need help with improvements to stop erosion, contact an erosion control service, such as Bill's Hydroseed, to help you with improvements to drainage, structures, and ground cover to keep soil in its place. 


16 September 2016

Talking About Solar Energy Systems

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