Cleaning Out Someone's House? These Dumpster Rental Tips Can Help

Environmental Blog

If an elderly friend or relative has moved into a smaller home or passed away, you might find yourself with the responsibility of cleaning out their house. A rental dumpster can help you accomplish this task. Just use the tips here to ensure that everything goes more easily for you.

Contact Relatives and Friends First

Before doing anything, ensure that you've gotten in touch with relatives and friends before the dumpster gets to the house. You may want to ask for help, but more importantly, you need to make certain that any mementos or belongings that are important don't end up in the dumpster. You might have removed items yourself, but to avoid bad feelings in the future, notify everyone that a dumpster is coming and that they only have a short period to retrieve things.

Don't Overfill

It is easy to misjudge the amount of dumpster space you'll need when cleaning out someone else's home. You might think you'll just ask for the smallest dumpster available and not realize until later that you need more room. It's possible that you'll be tempted to keep filling the dumpster as high as you can, thinking as long as the items are inside the dumpster, that's acceptable.

However, keep in mind that the rental company driver has to take the dumpster back to their headquarters or a dump. They need to be sure that things won't fly off or fall off and impede the ability of others to drive safely. In fact, the driver can flat-out refuse to take a dumpster that is overfilled. That's why it's important to ask how high you're able to fill the dumpster; it might not be as high as you think. You may even want to ask the rental company to advise you about what size dumpster is appropriate for a house that's about the size of the one you're cleaning out.

Think Twice About Putting Garage Items in the Dumpster

If you've got to clean out the garage as well, make sure that the things inside the garage are safe to deposit in the dumpster. You may not know this, but many rental companies forbid the following items, among others:

  • Tires
  • Paint
  • Gasoline cans
  • Varnish
  • Vehicle batteries

You can be assessed additional fees and deal with other problems if the rental company finds out that you've put these items into the dumpster. To avoid trouble, ask for a list of prohibited items so that you know ahead of time.

With these tips, cleaning out someone's home with the help of a rental dumpster can be an easier job. Be sure to check with the rental company to find out if they have additional things they want you to know. For more information on dumpster rentals, check out websites like


1 September 2016

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